I Visited the Neuschwanstein Castle

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Story by Shyann Jackson. Picture of Neuschwanstein Castle

AUG. 13, 2020: I visited the Neuschwanstein Castle yesterday in  Bavaria, Germany, and it was not the greatest adventure I’ve gone on this week. A little disappointing, but I got to learn about the castle’s owner, Ludwig II which made the castle much more interesting!

The castle has a square tower, gatehouse, knight house, and a citadel. It took 24 years to build this huge castle. So long, the castle's owner, Ludwig II, didn’t live long enough to see it completely finished.  The castle is obviously amazing.  It’s so amazing, it was the inspiration for the Disney movie, Snow White.

After paying builders for so many years Ludwig went into debt and couldn’t pay his workers anymore, so foreign banks threatened to seize his property. And one year later he was found drowned. Most people think his death is mysterious, but I think it may have been a suicide, especially since Ludwig II was diagnosed as “insane” while living.   

Shyann Jackson is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Chamberlain Elementary.