Southeast Beta Club Trip to National Beta Convention!

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By Avonni Campbell, Morgan Maddox, Meagan Maddox, Arianna Shaw and Crishton Richburg. Photo by Hampton Inn.

MAR. 17, 2020: On February 4, 2020, we had an induction ceremony for the Junior Beta Club at our school, Friendship Southeast Academy. To start, Meagan Maddox was the Mistress of Ceremonies (the person who introduces the guest and speakers). Then there was a welcome statement by Morgan Maddox. After that, the mission of the National Junior Beta was given by Crishton Richburg. Next Avonni Campbell gave the Junior Beta motto and Arianna Shaw gave the Junior Beta pledge. Lastly, Principals Lawery and Snowdy shared the importance of commitment to achievement, character and the importance of leadership and service. 

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During the ceremony, we lit different colored candles that represented different meanings. There were five candles in total. The first candle is the white candle which stands for purity. The next candle is the red candle which stands for pure love, wisdom, and bravery. There is also a blue candle that symbolizes truth and fidelity. The last two candles are black and gold. Black stands for dignity and seriousness and the gold candle stands for warmth, friendship, and faithfulness. After we lit candles we talked about the objectives of The National Junior Beta which focuses on our academic and leadership abilities and service to our community. And it gives us a chance to share our ideas and our progress with people around the world. 

This all happened when we first joined the leadership club. At that meeting, the club leader, Ms. Johnson asked if we were interested in attending the National Beta Convention. Agreeing to attend this convention required a lot of work. One of the things we had to do was to raise $75 per person. To reach this goal we decided to tell some of our teachers and family members about it and they helped us out. Some of us raised more than the goal for the money donations. So we decided to help each other reach our goal.

Then on February 12-13, 2020, Avonni Campbell, Morgan Maddox, Meagan 

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Maddox, Arianna Shaw, and Crishton Richburg went to the National Junior Beta Convention in Hampton Virginia for the convention. Along the way, on the bus we had to create five different affirmations and we had to say why we chose them. For example, one of Morgan's affirmations was, “I am the architect of my life. I build its foundation and choose its contents”.  After we talked about affirmations we stopped to eat at Waffle House. We got back on the road and arrived at the Embassy Suites. Then, we went down to the convention. At the convention, we went into a room where people made art out of different things. For example, we were able to see many different types of art which were created out of recycled things. We were also able to see a play of a scene out of a book.

After we came from the convention we went to a seafood bar called Pier 88 Seafood Bar. Overall, our trip was a fun experience.  

Avonni Campbell, Morgan Maddox, Meagan Maddox, Arianna Shaw are  5th grade students at Southeast Academy.