The Big Sister Program

Story and Photo by Deziyah Flood

JUNE 6, 2017.  Have you ever wanted a little sister or little brother? If you are the only child, have you ever wanted a sister or brother? I have a little brother but always wanted my mom to have more kids so I could have a little sister. My fifth grade ELA teacher asked some of the students in our class if they would we like to join a Big Sisters Program.  Let it be known, I was actually the first student to join the program because I was so excited.  I know you have heard the term “reading is fundamental.” In reality, it really is!

We usually go to Ms. Preau and Ms. Richardson’s class from 3:15-4:00 pm to read to the kids in Pre-K3.  We first let them pick out a book of their choice and begin to discuss the outside covers. Although they might not listen, we use a lot of actions and affection while reading to get the students engaged and to make the book more interesting. While reading the book we ask the students questions. In my opinion, I love reading to the little kids because I like to see the smiles on their faces.

Deziyah Flood is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy.